Thursday, July 1, 2010

Senior Photo Outfits 101: You VS Your Mom

Senior Photo Outfits 101: You VS Your Mom
Your Professor: Natasha Bouchette!

All this month we will be discussing various important outfit advice for your Senior Portraits! Check back often to gain ideas for your big day!

Today's Outfit Advice: You VS Your Mom
Side Note: Today's Advice doesn't necessarily address outfits - but read on!

When it comes to the Senior Portrait Experience we receive feedback from two sources. One source would be you; you have your own ideas about your photo shoot. Those ideas usually involve serious poses featuring your most unique outfits; replicas of images you have seen in current movies and magazines. The other source of feedback would be your parents. Most of the parents prefer their son/daughter to be smiling in their pictures. They also choose poses featuring your simplest outfits and minimal makeup. There is absolutely nothing wrong with your desires, or your parents desires for your photo shoot. They are both valid. However, we really need to make sure that both parties are on the same page.

Seniors: Include your parents in the Senior Photo process. That means that when you are shopping around for a photographer, show your mom and dad the website images you like and tell them why you like them. This is not only important for you, but it is important for us! The current magazine trends feature purposely crooked images and multiple images with the model's head partially cropped out of the photo (Our own examples are above). When we follow this trend the Senior loves it, but the mom won't purchase the photo because their child's head is "cut off." Please make sure your parents know the Senior photo trends you like, and that your photographer might be trying them! There is nothing wrong with your mom and dad disliking the current trend, but we would really like to know about it in advance of your photo shoot so that we can please both you and your parents.

Parents: Please do your research! We consider ourselves to be a really fun, unique and current studio. We subscribe to Elle, ESPN, W Magazine, Seventeen, Vogue, Teen Vogue, and Professional Photographers Magazine. Every month we receive these seven magazines and page through to see how celebrities are having their photos taken and we do our research on the hottest photo trends!

Both of You: Our studio is no stranger to compromise. No matter what we will always include some "simple," "traditional" portraits in the Senior session. They are great for yearbook photos and usually get chosen for the home's wall portrait. But we want you to know that we will likely try some wild and wacky portraits to keep up with the photographers on the coasts. Current trends are so fantastic and we encourage you to keep up with them as well!!!

Looking forward to speaking with you about your session!

Timber Creek Photography

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