Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Senior Photos 101: The Importance of Chapstick!

Senior Photos 101: The Importance of Chapstick!
Your Professor: Natasha Bouchette!

All this month Timber Creek Photography will be discussing various important advice for your Senior Portraits! Check back often to gain ideas for your big day!

Today's Senior Photo Advice: The Importance of Chapstick!
Your Professor: Natasha, of Timber Creek Photography
Have any of you ever kissed a mustache-clad gentleman only to discover that you get way more than you bargained for? Not only do you get a kiss, but you get a mustache burn! Let's all just admit it, they hurt! That rough stubble coming into contact with your smooth face is uncomfortable and annoying and often ends the kissing early.

Ladies, what if there were something you were doing during a kiss that made the guy feel just as uncomfortable? Wouldn't you want to remedy the situation so that he would enjoy your kisses even more? Afterall, I know lots of ladies who demand that their man be babyfaced prior to a makeout session. Maybe your man is screaming for you to do something for him . . . but he is too shy to admit it.

We are talking about chapstick, people! What did you think we were talking about? And yes, this has to do with your Senior Photo Session so just chill out and keep reading. I am not starting a relationship advice blog so don't get any ideas Moms...

Chapstick is one of the most powerful weapons we women have in our beauty arsenal. This is my go-to beauty secret and I know that this cheap, smelly balm is one of the biggest sellers to celebrities as well. They don't care that it isn't pretty, they care that it works. I have even read articles dedicated to the stuff in Lucky magazine, Good Housekeeping, and Seventeen.

If your lips are chapped and your man is kissing them, then odds are he has noticed. Your lips are cracked and can hurt him as much as stubble hurts you! So invest in some $1.99 chapstick!

If I could force every Senior to come to their Photo Session wearing Chapstick I would but since I am not the leader of the world (yet) I can only encourage you to smear on some chapstick before coming to your session. Why? Your lips are cracked, dry and wrinkled and the camera can see that! For soft, model-like skin on those lips make sure you moisturize them! Although I am pretty handy with Photoshop I don't intend on digitally fixing your lips, so please put on some chapstick before your session (and before your dates!).

Here are some other uses for chapstick that I was able to dig up (some I have totally tried in the past and can tell you that they work):

- Use it on dry skin when you don't have your lotion (elbows, hands, etc). (I do this alllllll the time)
- Apply some around your nose when you have a cold . . . it can soothe the raw skin. (I tried it with mint chapstick...loved it)
- Keeping your unruly eyebrows in place! Apply chapstick to the brow to smoothe it down and hold it like a clear gel. (I thought I was the only one who did this)
- Apply to shaving cuts to prevent bleeding temporarily (hmm... that's new)
- Smear on a stuck zipper to get it moving again (what?)
- Can help remove a ring that is stuck on your finger (my husband could use this)

Hopefully I have convinced you to invest in your own little tube of chapstick!

Looking forward to speaking with you about your Senior Session!
Timber Creek Photography, Mauston

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