Monday, July 26, 2010

Senior Photos 101: Your Teeth

Senior Photos 101: Your Teeth
Your Professor: Natasha Bouchette!

All this month Timber Creek Photography will be discussing various important advice for your Senior Portraits! Check back often to gain ideas for your big day!

Today's Senior Photo Advice: Your Teeth
Your Professor: Natasha, of Timber Creek Photography

I am going to make today's blog very short and simple: Whiten your teeth!

Do you have to? No. Should You? Only if you want to. Can you? Yes!

Walgreens offers dozens of teeth whitening products to fit all types of teeth: Yellow, Stained, Sensitive... etc. If you feel your teeth are yellow then just grab a pack of whitening strips and apply them for two weeks. By the time your Senior photo appointment arrives your teeth will be a few shades whiter!
I have used them before and I love them!

Now, do you think I care if your teeth are yellow? Not at all! If you don't mind your yellow teeth then leave them exactly the way they are, I promise you that we won't notice or care! But if you don't like them then do something about it BEFORE your appointment :)

Looking forward to speaking with you about your Senior Session!
Timber Creek Photography, Mauston

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