Thursday, July 15, 2010

Senior Photos 101: The Gum Monster!

Senior Photos 101: The Gum Monster!
Your Professor: Natasha Bouchette!

All this month Timber Creek Photography will be discussing various important advice for your Senior Portraits! Check back often to gain ideas for your big day!

Today's Senior Photo Advice: The Gum Monster!
Your Professor: Natasha, of Timber Creek Photography

Once upon a time, in a photo studio very, very near, lived a Senior Photographer named Pam. Pam was a great photographer! She would joke with the kids, travel to fun photo locations, and often gave more than what was in the customer's contract. Pam's life was a happy one.
Then, one day a customer came into the studio that would haunt Pam forever. Although her name is too frightening to write, we will call her . . .


*insert high-pitched screams and organ music*

Pam was busily shooting amazing photos of a beautiful woman when she realized that this was no ordinary woman at all... she was chewing... GUM! She was the gum monster!!! Pam was able to shoo the monster out of the studio but the worst was yet to come! What would she see in all the photos? Would the gum be in EVERY photograph?! Oh, this was too much for Pam to bear!

She popped the Memory Card into the computer and hastily opened every photograph to view them up close. Sure enough, it was just as she feared! Bright green gum was covering the monster's teeth in EVERY photograph. And from that day forward, Pam hasn't been able to watch someone chew gum without smacking them upside the head.

The End

Ok. This story may have been exaggerated a tiny bit. But the point still remains: do not chew gum at your Senior Photo Shoot! The photos from this particular shoot were ruined. If you are smart you won't be chewing gum, or anything else when you come to your Senior Photo Session.

Looking forward to speaking with you about your Senior Session!
Timber Creek Photography, Mauston

PS. Pam does not abuse her customers, only her editor (that would be me :)

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