Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Senior Photo Outfits 101: Personality!

Senior Photo Outfits 101: Personality! Your Professor: Natasha Bouchette!

All this month we will be discussing various important outfit advice for your Senior Portraits! Check back often to gain ideas for your big day!

Today's Outfit Advice: Personality!

What do we love most about the Senior Photography Experience? Duh, you! Your personality makes the portrait! We have had such an awesome year of wild and wacky personalities! We'll never forget the hilarious faces of the talented Mr. Hibbard, or Ryan Frye's pimp suit; you make the job we do just that much more fun.

Granted, your personality isn't necessarily an outfit option, but to us it is just as tangible. It doesn't matter if you are wearing Victoria Beckham jeans if you stand as still as a deer in headlights! We watch our friends on facebook and they are hilarious, but the moment their feet hit our studio they become the perfect, silent, immobile children . . . yawn.

Our plea is that you bring your personality along to your photo shoot. When you come to choose your portraits, We want you and your friends and family to say, "That looks just like you!" We hear that a lot and it is the greatest complement because we didn't have to make you into someone else, or force you to change to create a better picture! We are able to capture you, but we need you to bring it! So be you, because we are looking for wilder and wackier Seniors this Summer.

Can't wait to meet you and your personalities!

Timber Creek Photography

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