Thursday, June 24, 2010

Senior Photo Outfits 101: Clean & Pressed!

Senior Photo Outfits 101: Clean & Pressed!
Your Professor: Natasha Bouchette!

All this month we will be discussing various important outfit advice for your Senior Portraits! Check back often to gain ideas for your big day!

Today's Outfit Advice: Clean & Pressed!
You only get your Senior Picture taken once. It should be a special time because, unlike all the other years of school where an amateur photographer shot one quick picture of you on your way back from gym class, these will be pics you will actually want! These pictures aren't going to be stuffed in the drawer along with your freshman yearbook photo! These pictures are going to be sent to everyone in your family, given out at Christmas, posted on Facebook, hang in your home, and be presented at your graduation! Please consider how many people are going to see these portraits before you show up for your appointment with a wrinkled shirt and dirt on your knees.

That's right, I am asking you to wash and iron your clothes. I can't force you to come to your Senior appointment looking GQ but I can at least ask you to consider the appearance of the outfit(s) you plan on wearing in one of your most famous pictures!

Hope this was helpful!
