Thursday, June 17, 2010


Why would you want to add someone on facebook when you follow their blog? Or their website, or are a FAN of them on facebook? I will tell you why...

You NEED to be our friend.

See, we are pretty picky about who gets to see our images. We don't like other photographers ripping off our creativity (one photographer in particular actually posed their clients identically to ours in similar locations and then used the same art to adorn the pics...). A photographer should be leading the way in creativity and we pride ourselves in that. What am I trying to say?

What you see on our blog is very limited because it is open to the public. Our website is wonderful, but it is updated so often that you rarely see the same picture twice; any amazing past pictures are not viewable! Our fanpage is, like our blog, also very limited. It too is open to the public. However, if you ADD us as a FRIEND on facebook (and pass the rigorous screening) then you can see multiple pics of every person/family/wedding/child/etc we have ever photographed from the past two years. Being a friend gives you access to an archive of photos so you know who are coming to.

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