Tuesday, April 2, 2013

The Top 5 Don'ts of Your Senior Portrait Session

Here at the Creek, we're committed to creating amazing senior portraits that become lasting pieces of art for years to come.  It's important to us that you take as much care into preparing for your senior portrait session as we do.  To help you look your best, we've compiled a list of things to avoid during your portrait session.

  • Forgetting to wear makeup - Makeup is essential for our senior ladies.  Be sure to wear foundation that matches your natural skin tone, and experiment with different makeup looks prior to your session.  We've discussed makeup within other blog posts, so feel free to read more about how makeup can impact your senior session.  Timber Creek now offers professional hair and makeup services as an add-on.  Contact us for more info.

  • Getting a spray tan - We advise our seniors not to spray tan.  In fact, for a few days prior to your session, it's a good idea to avoid getting too much sun.  Your friends and family want portraits that represent how beautiful you are every day.  Unnatural skin tones are very difficult to edit, and can impact the overall quality of your portrait.

  • Glare from eyeglasses - This can be a major hassle during a senior portrait session.  There are a few ways to avoid it.  If you have contacts, wear them.  You can also remove the lenses from your glasses for your session (see previous blog post), or ask your optometrist if they lend out frames with the lenses removed.  

  • Neglecting your fingernails - Chances are, your nails will be very visible during your portrait session.  We recommend our senior ladies come to their session with their nails freshly polished.  Our senior men should make sure their fingernails are appropriately groomed for their session as well. 

  • Forgetting about accessories - Accessories can add so much to a senior portrait.  Necklaces, rings, scarves, and hats can act as an extension of your personality, which is the most important aspect of your senior portrait.  We love creating portraits that reflect how wonderful you are, inside and out.  Help us by bringing these items with you on the day of your session.

Stay tuned for more tips and tricks to make the most out of your senior portrait session.

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