Thursday, August 16, 2012

Glassless Glasses

  If you wear glasses then perhaps you have noticed a commonality among all your portraits: glass glare. Ugh. I know, right? We know you like your glasses and that they are an extension of you, and there is no reason why you should have to take them off for all of your Senior Photos (although we do take a few without them). So what do you do so that you can get the look you want without the glare? Remove the lenses.

That's right! It's that simple! Get out your handy dandy glass repair kit and find the itsy bitsy screwdriver in there and use it to remove the lenses from your glasses. Or, if you don't trust your unsteady hand, a lot of optometrists will lend you similar, empty frames for your Senior Photo Shoot! No one will ever notice that the glass was not in your glasses, and then you will be able to avoid a lot of glare.

Wear glassless glasses to your session and show off your style without any glare.

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