Thursday, May 29, 2014

Hunting for a Senior Photographer Pt 4

Seek Out Service

Yes, you want great photos, but don’t dismiss the importance of finding a photographer whose service is outstanding. Great customer service can include anything from being friendly on the phone to making sure your hair and clothes are just right. It’s anything that helps you enjoy your session and not worry about it. “Your photographer is there to make it a fun experience.”

But it’s harder to learn about the quality of a photographer’s service than it is to learn about their photography. This is where testimonials and reviews come in handy. Ask your friends, browse photographers’ websites, stalk their Facebook pages, and look on the reviews section of their fanpages. Yup, Timber Creek has a Review Section on our Facebook Fanpage.

Pam Kastner
Timber Creek Studio
Mauston, WI

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