Friday, May 23, 2014

Summer Senior Portraits - The Smartest Scheduling Decision

Summer Senior Portraits - The Smartest Scheduling Decision
Why your Senior Portrait Session should be in Summer
We live in a state that has a wonderful variety of colors and seasons and I consider this a blessing. Not every state in the U.S.A. is so lucky. Sure, sometimes the cold can be a drag, but at least we can go snowboarding, sledding, and ice fishing while it's chipper outside. Although I love all of Wisconsin's seasons I would encourage you to get your Senior Portraits taken in the Summer.

Why not Spring? Spring is wet. Period. Our sessions allow us to go on location, if you want to go downtown wearing high heels or flip flops good luck navigating around every puddle looking like an idiot. We won't be able to take portraits on grass because it will be like a swamp. Basically we will stand in a wet road while your hair gets frizzy and take your portrait in the rain. Boo-Hoo!

Why not Fall? Fall is gorgeous, and it is the runner-up season for good portraits, but there is a reason why it is in second place. We will explain later.

Why not Winter? Are you kidding me? So many Seniors book their Senior Portrait Sessions in Winter and then regret it, re-schedule it, and eventually forget it. If the weather is severe we cannot go outside, plus this season allows little to no variety in clothing choices. It's either a sweater or a coat. No heels, no flops, no shorts, no tanks, no tees, no nothing. Yack. Plus, the sun sets so early you will have to skip school to come to your appointment. Yea, that sounds like a great idea, but it seems like nobody's parents allow them to skip. And don't tell me your parents are cool with it. We had nearly 100 seniors last year and maybe ten were allowed to skip school!

Why Summer? Glad you asked.

1. Your Schedule. This is a big deal. During the school year you have School, Sports, Clubs, and a Job. When exactly do you plan on getting your pictures taken? At midnight? No one seems to realize just how busy their schedules are until it is too late. Allow me to let you in on a little secret: unless you book months in advance, you will not be able to get a weekend appointment here in the fall. Usually all the Autumn weekends are booked by the beginning of August. This means you will have to skip school, work, or soccer practice to come to your appointment because our Saturdays are swamped. However, during the Summer your sports schedule is clear, School is out, and clubs aren't meeting. The only thing you have to worry about is your work schedule and your social life... and your Senior portraits!

2. Your Outfits. I love sweaters too, but they add pounds on camera (you think I am kidding? This is only good for guys who want to look more buff). In Summer you can wear anything and everything to make your portraits unique. If you have five outfits they can actually be five different outfits. Shorts, capris, dress pants, skirts, and jeans. Tees, tanks, long-sleeved, half-sleeve, and vests, swimsuits or sports gear. Flops, Sandals, Heels, tennis shoes, and cowboy boots. Baseball caps, Fedoras (back in fashion), beanies, etc! If you come in Fall or Winter think about the variety of clothes/shoes you CANNOT wear.

3. Your Skin. I personally look better with a tan. In fact, I hardly wear makeup in the Summer. A tan makes you appear pounds thinner, and much healthier. In Fall and Winter you WILL look white unless you want to pay to tan (which is a great idea for other seasons but it's free from the sun in Summer).

4. Your Body. You are more active in Summer, thus you are thinner. You are less active in Winter, thus you may appear a few pounds larger. If it doesn't bother you it doesn't bother us but don't say I never warned you.

5. Weather. The Grass is greener, the sun is out, the flowers are in bloom, and the temperature is perfect! Autumn is hit or miss. Cold, Hot, then cold again, lots of wind too.

6. Locations. We can go anywhere in Summer. Anywhere. Downtown? You got it. The beach? No problem! The track? Yes, please!

7. Last, OUR Schedule. In Wisconsin the Senior photo trend is different than anywhere we have been. Right now, Seniors across the country are getting their portraits taken. Our photographer friends have their Summer schedules jam-packed with Seniors but not in Mauston. It is our Fall and Winter schedule that is so busy!

From August to December you will be LUCKY to get an appointment unless you call months in advance and skip school on the day of your appointment. Why? Because you are not only competing for a slot against other Seniors, but also against all the families in Mauston who are getting their Thanksgiving and Christmas portraits taken. We don't mind if you want fall portraits, and the colors ARE pretty but consider calling us early for an appointment, or else be prepared to skip school to get an appointment because the weekends and afternoons will surely be booked. We love fall portraits, we just want you to know about our schedule so that you aren't disappointed!

I hope I have convinced you that Summer is a good option for Senior Portraits!

Pam Kastner
Portrait Artist
Timber Creek Studio

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