Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Senior Photos 101: False Nails - True Beauty!

Senior Photos 101: False Nails - True Beauty!
Your Professor: Natasha Bouchette

All this month Timber Creek Photography will be discussing various important advice for your Senior Portraits! Check back often to gain ideas for your big day!

Today's Advice: False Nails - True Beauty!
Your Professor: Natasha! Of Timber Creek Photography

If you notice the Senior Pictures on our website ( you will see that current trends in photography show very close-up images of the subject (you). As a result, a lot of small details get noticed. One part of you that others will see are your fingernails. If you chew them, if the paint is chipped, or if they are dirty and yellow then people will see that in your photographs! Before coming to your Senior Photo Shoot you should spend some time with your nails.

Clean them up! There is an awesome new invention called "soap." You can find it at Wal-Mart.

File them down! Sand away those rough edges with a nail file!

Repair the nail! You can file down the cuticle, and fix the chipped paint on your nail.

Apply Press-On Nails! Get the fakes and save some time. (See the photograph of Danen above).

That's right, they have fake nails. If you don't want the whole world to see your nails then spring for some inexpensive press-ons and apply them the day before your senior photo shoot. They will make your senior photos a little more clean and you won't have to worry about your bad nails because they will be hidden by gorgeous fakes.
Looking forward to speaking with you about your senior session
Timber Creek Photography, Mauston

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