Monday, February 28, 2011

Tardiness Only Hurts You! A thought about your Senior Portrait Appointment . . .

In the past, Timber Creek Photography has been really nice about students being late for their appointments but all of that is about to change. Just kidding, we will still be nice, but we will have to be a little naughty.

When a Senior shows up late to an appointment we absolutely cannot give them the full amount of time that they paid for. We will count the time you are late as session time. So, if you are 15 minutes late for a 2 hour session then you will only have an hour and 45 minutes for your session. We cannot risk having our other customers start late and end late, thus creating late appointments for the rest of the day.

Do your absolute best to avoid being late, if possible you should even be a few minutes early to get all your outfits ready and props unpacked. Plus, it is a bit of a drive to get here! Be prepared and leave early or else your session will suffer, and neither of us want that! We want to give you an amazing experience and have as much time with you as possible to create the incredible portraits that Timber Creek is known for, so please show up on time!

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