Monday, February 28, 2011

Tardiness Only Hurts You! A thought about your Senior Portrait Appointment . . .

In the past, Timber Creek Photography has been really nice about students being late for their appointments but all of that is about to change. Just kidding, we will still be nice, but we will have to be a little naughty.

When a Senior shows up late to an appointment we absolutely cannot give them the full amount of time that they paid for. We will count the time you are late as session time. So, if you are 15 minutes late for a 2 hour session then you will only have an hour and 45 minutes for your session. We cannot risk having our other customers start late and end late, thus creating late appointments for the rest of the day.

Do your absolute best to avoid being late, if possible you should even be a few minutes early to get all your outfits ready and props unpacked. Plus, it is a bit of a drive to get here! Be prepared and leave early or else your session will suffer, and neither of us want that! We want to give you an amazing experience and have as much time with you as possible to create the incredible portraits that Timber Creek is known for, so please show up on time!

Become a Facebook Fan! (Links to the latest blogs and Senior Photo Info):
Timber Creek Fan Page

Visit our website!
Timber Creek Photography Website

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Behind the Scenes! After Dark, Las Vegas 2011

We have gone to the big Imaging USA events that PPA has put on and, although they are amazing, this year we wanted to try something a little different. We packed our bags and headed to After Dark in Las Vegas, NV. What an awesome opportunity to photograph models from around the world (literally). Plus, we learn from some of the top photographers and editors in the country. Ever heard of Travis Gugelman, Ben Shirk, Chuckie Arlund, Lindsay Adler, Carl Caylor, Jordan Chan, or Mark Fitzgibbons? Plus, dozens more! Needless to say we got some amazing shots and learned a ton! Education is important in this business, and so is the willingness to change.

Check out our behind the scenes images at After Dark!

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Horizontal Stripes Hate Senior Portraits

When choosing your Senior Photo outfits you need to be careful! Not everything flatters everyone. My opinion is that horizontal stripes hate most people. (Horizontal meaning from left to right, not up and down). But I guess it depends on where the stripes are located, how thick or thin the stripes are, the color of the stripes, and so on. But don't worry, if you come to Timber Creek Photography you will always look good ;)

Here is a link to the very honest, and hopefully helpful article! Horizontal Stripes

Friday, February 4, 2011

Senior Photos 101: Choosing Your Photographer!

Senior Photos 101: Choosing Your Photographer!
Your Professor: Natasha Bouchette!

The Importance of Education
(not yours, silly. Although we are cool with that too!)

If you expect your customers to pay for their photos... you should be expected to pay for an education!

When it comes to the Senior Portrait Experience are you going to trust just anyone with a camera to take your pictures? Do they know how to use their camera? Did they go to school for composition and lighting? Do they have a studio? Do they act professional? Were you able to view some of their previous work? How did their subjects appear in the portraits? What kinds of products do they supply you with? Or is this a Walgreens kind of deal?

Pam Kastner, my boss, is not Walgreens. She is a member of the Professional Photographers of America (PPA), The National Association of Professional Photographers (NAPP), Senior Portrait Artists (SPA), and Senior Photographers International (SPI). She attends so many classes, training seminars, webinars, and photo conventions that the President would even be impressed by her busy schedule! She has been a photographer in the area for 17 years and she knows her stuff! Her work is incredible and is unlike any other photographers. She is willing to grow with the industry, change for the trends, and offer a photo style that most people would only get on the west coast. That is why I work for her.

And then there is me :) I have barely been alive as long as Pam has been taking pictures but I too have a high standard for myself and my work. I guess the reason I get so frustrated on this topic is because I went to school for Graphic Design. I learned color theory, illustration, photo restoration, photo manipulation, digital photography, printing, and advertising. I spent two years in Photoshop (and a dozen other programs that you'll probably never hear of) in college and 14 hours a day on it (literally). I was hired directly out of college and worked for a multi-million dollar company designing for brands that you HAVE heard of and I take serious pride in my work. Sure, I worked on Photoshop BEFORE I went to school but I had no idea what I was doing. Looking back on my previous work I am embarrassed by how amateur and overdone it was, thankfully I had awesome professors who trained me to do things right. I don't just "know" what I am doing... I know what I am doing.

When you come to Timber Creek your photos won't be over-edited or poorly manipulated (color changes, proper black & white settings, etc.). You will get professional photos by professionals who LOVE their work and only want to supply you with the BEST portraits (after all, YOU are our advertising :)

Remember, you don't have to come to us, but you should go to a professional.

Looking forward to speaking with you about your Senior Session!
Timber Creek Photography, Mauston

Become a Facebook Fan! (Links to the latest blogs and Senior Photo Info):
Timber Creek Fan Page

Become a Facebook Friend of the Photographer (lots of Senior Images on Display)
Pam Kastner

Visit our website!
Timber Creek Photography Website