Friday, April 16, 2010

Boudoir Photography - The Amateur Scare

Great photographers take time to study the hottest trends, as well as other great photographers. Why? So that we can be better than the best! Well, at Timber Creek Photography we are constantly educating ourselves. We aren't amateurs with cameras, we are experienced professionals with flair! We want your portraits to look genuine and unposed, but we don't want them to be poor quality! That's why we study posing, lighting, crops and more. We have the highest quality photos because we take the time to be the best!

All of that being said, we have noticed a trend with amateur photographers. They seem to have finally picked up on Boudoir photography. All we can say is: DON'T GO TO JUST ANYONE for your boudoir photos!!! You don't have to come to us... just don't go to "them."

We have been investigating the amateurs' boudoir photos and we feel they should be embarassed by the lack of quality in their photos (and in their privacy). We have seen skinny women in boudoir photos made to look huge. And another photographer in our county posted her client's pics on the Internet, guarded by a password (The question was something like, "What is your middle name?"). We were able to guess at the password and see the woman's nearly-nude photos. We wonder who else was able to see them!!! How ridiculous!

Here at Timber Creek we only show the photos our clients allow us to show, or none at all. We have their signed, written permission before we put ANYTHING on the Internet (or anywhere else for that matter). Our customers work in high offices for the city, as well as in churches. Some own their businesses, others simply like their privacy... and we are not going to embarass them.

If you want excellent Boudoir photos (it sure is a hot trend!) then come to a professional... not an amateur.

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