Saturday, November 1, 2014

Family Sessions 2

Family Session 2

I really can't say enough about the Leopold Family. They are so near and dear to my heart.
I have had the opportunity to photograph both of their children for confirmation, and look forward to photographing Emma's Senior Portraits next year as the Class of 2016. 
I used to work with Chris in the ER when he was a youngster, well come to think of it, I was much younger also. The Leopold's have been through a lot as a family, but their Faith and Love endure, this is why Chris and Christine are so very special to me and it was such an honor to create images and art for their home that expressed that. 

Thursday, October 30, 2014

Family Sessions

Family Sessions 1

Last weekend was all about Family and the Love a Family shares with each other. Timber Creek was so honored to create Art for the family home. It's all about the activities that these families share with each other. Beautiful days walking in the woods, and sharing those moments between a father/mother and his/her daughter and or son.
 Gary and Taylor Gray started this beautiful weekend off with a walk on their hunting property that is Gary and his Dad's, thus Grandpa's Palace. Of course Taylor rocked her outfit for the session as always. We hiked all around and took in the breathe taking views of Juneau County while talking about the upcoming deer season. I only hope that this tradition continues as Taylor is a Senior this year. I will blog about her Senior Session along with others in the weeks to come.

Father and Daughter!

Monday, October 20, 2014

Business Portraits

Business Portraits

Is it time to update those business portraits? Are you looking for social media portraits, a new job, or maybe give an already great job an updated image. The people you connect with want an image to go with the voice on the phone or an email, give your clients what they want. Want to know more? Contact us to get your updated business profile.

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Family Photography featured at Adventure Night

Adventure Night - Mauston

Many people in the community know what Adventure Night is, but those of you that don't, it is a night to raise funds for the Wrestling Club. There are 300 door prizes and chances to purchase tickets on wonderful prizes that have been donated or purchased. I was amazed at the number of guns given out this year (remember, this is prime hunting in this area). The organizers put countless hours into this event and I personally would like to thank them for all their hard work.
Last year I offered a deal for them to raise money and 3 people donated and received a wonderful gift certificate for a session and money towards their purchase. Of the 3 The Thayers, yes our local jewelry store purchased one certificate. Their goal was to have ALL the grand kids together in one image. Mission accomplished, and now they have a beautiful canvas on their wall to cherish.

The Miller family took advantage of this certificate, as Taylor was going off to school this fall, and it had been years since they'd had a family portrait. Taylor and Teagen were my entertainment that day, way fun. But the neat part was the car image that Andrea brought with, so we replicated that today, but with their 2 kids. They are a hunting family, and well Andrea hunts for mushrooms. So thus why we had to have an image with guns. They will soon have a large family portrait for their home to cherish forever. 

This year I brought along one of Justin Dolata's senior images that I had enhanced and that he had never seen until after the State Wrestling Tournament in January. So, I thought, how can I give back and help the club some more? Have him autograph it and auction it off towards a scholarship. It ended up bringing around $300, which was an awesome deal. It will now make it's home in the Mauston High School. 
Have You Experienced the Difference?

Friday, October 3, 2014

Miss Rodeo Wisconsin 2015

Miss Rodeo Wisconsin 2015     Lydia Berg

Follow us, as Miss Rodeo Wisconsin, Lydia Berg from Brookfield is crowned in January 2015.
She will be representing the great state next year, with appearances at Rodeo's across the United States. Here theme is very patriotic and supports our Veterans. 
This is from her first professional photography session at Timber Creek, showcasing her business head-shots.

Monday, June 30, 2014

Class of 2015 Reps

Rebekah "Bekah" Cleaver is a Timber Creek Rep from Elroy's Royall Panthers. One of her hobbies is volleyball and she hopes to play collage volleyball as well while working towards her dream job of being a teacher. Her favorite candy is Twix and soda is Dr. Pepper (of which the day of her session I had none!) I did make it up to her when she came in to view her images. A few random facts about Bekah is that she has been the same height since 6th grade, she can't live without her dog (Buddy), she would love to meet Taylor Swift (me too) and her friends describe her as crazy and loud. I had such a great time spending an afternoon with her and her family, great people and a beautiful area of Juneau County.

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Performing Hearts Dance

What can I say about Performing Hearts Dance Studio from Wisconsin Dells other than Amazing!
Ally and Cally have orchestrated so many wonderful groups for the upcoming performance to be held at the CAL Center in Reedsburg this weekend, June 6 and 7. Check out their website or facebook page for all the details.
But, I couldn't resist posting one of my favorites, being the 3 and 4 year olds. Lets just say, I was so impressed with these little ones.
Be sure and check them out!

Timber Creek Studio
Mauston, WI

Friday, May 30, 2014

Hunting for A Senior Photographer Pt 5

Take a Survey

This may seem like an odd tip, but the point is to look for photographers who want to know about YOU. Some may give you an actual survey to fill out, others may simply ask questions about your likes and dislikes. Their goal is the same, though: to make your photos reflect you.

For example, one photographic team has a survey for their senior clients to complete before their sessions. Once they have a sense of who you are, they adapt your photo session accordingly (like playing your favorite music). And while Beth Forester, M.Photog.Cr., CPP, of Forester Photography in Madison, W.Va doesn’t have her senior clients fill out a survey, she does ask questions…questions you may not expect. “If I’m thinking about doing a barefoot picture, I always ask, ‘Do you like your feet or not?’ If you don’t like your feet, that’s all you will focus on when you see the picture,” notes Beth.

When you book a Session at Timber Creek Photography we ask you all sorts of questions about you and what you desire from your session. Be prepared to answer questions about the sports you play, whether you are a country or city person, and what type of "feel" you want from your session (fashion, sweet, edgy...). These kinds of questions show that the photographer really cares about what you want, and that care will show in your senior pictures.

In addition, be prepared to ask questions of us! A Senior once apologized five times during a phone conversation for asking "too many questions." There is no such thing as too many questions. How will you be comfortable with us if you do not have the answers you need?

Thank you for reading, and stay tuned for more steps on Hunting for your Senior Photographer!!!

Timber Creek Photography
Mauston, WI

Thursday, May 29, 2014

Hunting for a Senior Photographer Pt 4

Seek Out Service

Yes, you want great photos, but don’t dismiss the importance of finding a photographer whose service is outstanding. Great customer service can include anything from being friendly on the phone to making sure your hair and clothes are just right. It’s anything that helps you enjoy your session and not worry about it. “Your photographer is there to make it a fun experience.”

But it’s harder to learn about the quality of a photographer’s service than it is to learn about their photography. This is where testimonials and reviews come in handy. Ask your friends, browse photographers’ websites, stalk their Facebook pages, and look on the reviews section of their fanpages. Yup, Timber Creek has a Review Section on our Facebook Fanpage.

Pam Kastner
Timber Creek Studio
Mauston, WI

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Hunting for a Senior Photographer Pt 3

Look to Connect

Remember that Interest Appointment we were talking about? Take us up on it! You will get to know us, which may be a good or a bad thing depending on your opinion (we are hoping it's a good thing)!

We recently had an Interest Appointment. She came with ideas for her session and we were able to answer her questions and even give her ideas to elaborate on her session.
Find a photographer you can connect and be yourself with. “Feeling comfortable during your photo session is the number-one most important thing if you want to have great, relaxed photographs,” says a Michelle Moore of Michelle Moore Photography. When you’re relaxed and comfortable around someone, you become more natural in front of the camera, allowing for even better pictures. So look for the photographer whom you click with as a person!

Pam Kastner
Timber Creek Studio
 Mauston WI

Monday, May 26, 2014

Hunting for a Senior Photographer Pt 2

Ask to See It All

So you are shopping around for a photographer (thank you for following Part 1) but now you have no idea what to talk to the photographer about. Hmmm... How about their work as a whole. The Professional Photographers of America continue with advice on your Interest Appt...

There are some photographers who can take one great amazing portrait. You see it on your friend's Facebook and you are speechless. That is one great photograph. Yup, one. So did the photographer take more than one portrait? If so, how did the rest turn out?

As you shop around, be sure and ask for samples of entire senior photography sessions (like an entire album). Ask if you can look at one Senior's entire catalog of images. Why wouldn't you be able to? Aren't most of them good? This will help you see if a photographer lacks consistency in the quality of the images… and if the images suddenly start to look alike. You will be looking for great pictures and a lot of variety.

“Photographers can shoot 150 images, but only display the three that are good,” explains a fellow photographer. You don’t want to be limited to just three choices, do you? That’s why you need to see an entire session, so you can tell if the photographer is consistently good…or just lucky every now and then.

In addition, seeing more image samples can show you how creative the photographer is. “You don’t want to see everybody standing by the same tree,” says Kent Smith, M.Photog.MEI.Cr., who runs Kent Smith Photography in Pickerington, Ohio, with his wife Sarah. “You want a uniqueness in the images so yours don’t look like everyone else’s.”


Would you like to come and view our work? You can see entire albums of Senior Portraits, walls of photographs, and literally tens of thousands of digital photographs (if you have a couple of days haha). You will be allowed to view our studio, and our outdoor property as well (as long as you aren't a photographer, sorry). If you aren't ready to commit to us as your Senior Photographer yet, then call us to set up an Interest Appointment to get to know us! 608-847-2436

Pam Kastner, 

Portrait Artist
Timber Creek Studio
Mauston, WI

Saturday, May 24, 2014

Hunting for a Senior Photographer - Part 1

Hello Seniors!

For the next few days we will be discussing the hunt for your Senior Portrait Photographer. There is so much advice I can give you, and a lot you should know about Senior Portraits.

1. Shop Around – If you have siblings then the odds are that you will be going to the same place your older siblings went for their Senior Portraits. This isn't a bad thing - if it's what you want. But make sure to ask yourself, Did you like your brother's/sister's portraits? Does the photographer represent a style you are comfortable with?

I know what it is like to want to be comfortable. It is easy to go to the same photographer over and over again because you get to know them and we love our loyal customers but if they aren't for you then you need to speak up and shop around!

Here is some advice on the subject from the Professional Photographers of America:

It’s important to at least have an idea of the photography style you like the best, and that comes from researching and looking at photos! Michelle Moore of Michelle Moore Photography in Seattle, Wash., says simply, “Look for images that speak to you.”

Some photographers’ styles are more retro, some may be more “sexy,” some edgy like in a magazine, some photojournalistic, some more classic and clean…which appeals to you? That is how Beth Forester, M.Photog.Cr., CPP, of Forester Photography in Madison, W.Va., says you should think as you research possible senior photographers. “Really look at the person in the photograph,” she adds. “You may think, ‘Oh, that’s a pretty good picture,’ but would you be happy if it was YOUR image?”

Looking at others’ senior photos will also help you notice the differences in photographers’ skills. “Quality is in the eye of the viewer,” says Eric Anundi of Eric John Photography in Salem, Ore. “You need to shop around so you can see the difference in quality…and you’ll appreciate your final decision much more.”

Good luck on your hunt for Senior Photographers that speak to you... make sure you check us out too!

Pam Kastner
Portrait Artist
Timber Creek Studio

Friday, May 23, 2014

Summer Senior Portraits - The Smartest Scheduling Decision

Summer Senior Portraits - The Smartest Scheduling Decision
Why your Senior Portrait Session should be in Summer
We live in a state that has a wonderful variety of colors and seasons and I consider this a blessing. Not every state in the U.S.A. is so lucky. Sure, sometimes the cold can be a drag, but at least we can go snowboarding, sledding, and ice fishing while it's chipper outside. Although I love all of Wisconsin's seasons I would encourage you to get your Senior Portraits taken in the Summer.

Why not Spring? Spring is wet. Period. Our sessions allow us to go on location, if you want to go downtown wearing high heels or flip flops good luck navigating around every puddle looking like an idiot. We won't be able to take portraits on grass because it will be like a swamp. Basically we will stand in a wet road while your hair gets frizzy and take your portrait in the rain. Boo-Hoo!

Why not Fall? Fall is gorgeous, and it is the runner-up season for good portraits, but there is a reason why it is in second place. We will explain later.

Why not Winter? Are you kidding me? So many Seniors book their Senior Portrait Sessions in Winter and then regret it, re-schedule it, and eventually forget it. If the weather is severe we cannot go outside, plus this season allows little to no variety in clothing choices. It's either a sweater or a coat. No heels, no flops, no shorts, no tanks, no tees, no nothing. Yack. Plus, the sun sets so early you will have to skip school to come to your appointment. Yea, that sounds like a great idea, but it seems like nobody's parents allow them to skip. And don't tell me your parents are cool with it. We had nearly 100 seniors last year and maybe ten were allowed to skip school!

Why Summer? Glad you asked.

1. Your Schedule. This is a big deal. During the school year you have School, Sports, Clubs, and a Job. When exactly do you plan on getting your pictures taken? At midnight? No one seems to realize just how busy their schedules are until it is too late. Allow me to let you in on a little secret: unless you book months in advance, you will not be able to get a weekend appointment here in the fall. Usually all the Autumn weekends are booked by the beginning of August. This means you will have to skip school, work, or soccer practice to come to your appointment because our Saturdays are swamped. However, during the Summer your sports schedule is clear, School is out, and clubs aren't meeting. The only thing you have to worry about is your work schedule and your social life... and your Senior portraits!

2. Your Outfits. I love sweaters too, but they add pounds on camera (you think I am kidding? This is only good for guys who want to look more buff). In Summer you can wear anything and everything to make your portraits unique. If you have five outfits they can actually be five different outfits. Shorts, capris, dress pants, skirts, and jeans. Tees, tanks, long-sleeved, half-sleeve, and vests, swimsuits or sports gear. Flops, Sandals, Heels, tennis shoes, and cowboy boots. Baseball caps, Fedoras (back in fashion), beanies, etc! If you come in Fall or Winter think about the variety of clothes/shoes you CANNOT wear.

3. Your Skin. I personally look better with a tan. In fact, I hardly wear makeup in the Summer. A tan makes you appear pounds thinner, and much healthier. In Fall and Winter you WILL look white unless you want to pay to tan (which is a great idea for other seasons but it's free from the sun in Summer).

4. Your Body. You are more active in Summer, thus you are thinner. You are less active in Winter, thus you may appear a few pounds larger. If it doesn't bother you it doesn't bother us but don't say I never warned you.

5. Weather. The Grass is greener, the sun is out, the flowers are in bloom, and the temperature is perfect! Autumn is hit or miss. Cold, Hot, then cold again, lots of wind too.

6. Locations. We can go anywhere in Summer. Anywhere. Downtown? You got it. The beach? No problem! The track? Yes, please!

7. Last, OUR Schedule. In Wisconsin the Senior photo trend is different than anywhere we have been. Right now, Seniors across the country are getting their portraits taken. Our photographer friends have their Summer schedules jam-packed with Seniors but not in Mauston. It is our Fall and Winter schedule that is so busy!

From August to December you will be LUCKY to get an appointment unless you call months in advance and skip school on the day of your appointment. Why? Because you are not only competing for a slot against other Seniors, but also against all the families in Mauston who are getting their Thanksgiving and Christmas portraits taken. We don't mind if you want fall portraits, and the colors ARE pretty but consider calling us early for an appointment, or else be prepared to skip school to get an appointment because the weekends and afternoons will surely be booked. We love fall portraits, we just want you to know about our schedule so that you aren't disappointed!

I hope I have convinced you that Summer is a good option for Senior Portraits!

Pam Kastner
Portrait Artist
Timber Creek Studio