Thursday, August 16, 2012

Glassless Glasses

  If you wear glasses then perhaps you have noticed a commonality among all your portraits: glass glare. Ugh. I know, right? We know you like your glasses and that they are an extension of you, and there is no reason why you should have to take them off for all of your Senior Photos (although we do take a few without them). So what do you do so that you can get the look you want without the glare? Remove the lenses.

That's right! It's that simple! Get out your handy dandy glass repair kit and find the itsy bitsy screwdriver in there and use it to remove the lenses from your glasses. Or, if you don't trust your unsteady hand, a lot of optometrists will lend you similar, empty frames for your Senior Photo Shoot! No one will ever notice that the glass was not in your glasses, and then you will be able to avoid a lot of glare.

Wear glassless glasses to your session and show off your style without any glare.

Friday, August 3, 2012

Makeup or Bust

I know, I know, we are located in Central Wisconsin; not exactly L.A.  Despite our location we still like to keep up with the current Senior Photo Trends. Guess what is hot right now? The Bold Look. That's right, no more soft, sweet, drab, pale, boring images... they are on the way out!  What we need now are sharp lines, bright colors, and daring poses.  Something that can help keep your photos bold and in style would be your makeup!

The next time you pick up your favorite fashion magazine, start to look for makeup trends that stand out for you. Love Scarlett Johansson's red lipstick? Fergie's hot purple eyeshadow in her MAC campaign? Lady Gaga's fake eyelashes? Well, we do! If you really want your Senior pics to stand out then YOU need to stand out. Afterall, these pics are of you; there is only so much we can do with lighting, posing and backgrounds so you need to bring it, girlfriend!Thoughts for your makeup - Assuming you are planning on steering clear of the Natural look
Lip Color: Most people associate lipstick with Grandma, but there are some things that are never out of style. A little lip color or lip stain can go a loooong way in your photos. The color adds one more point of interest to your photos - sweet! Current trends are pointing toward peach, orange, and deep purples.Blush: Why did you buy that expensive makeup brush set if you aren't going to use your blusher?! Want a sweet, country girl look? Add some pink to the apples of your cheeks. Want a higher fashion look? Brush some dark tans on your face below your cheekbones. This thins your face and adds angles.Eyeshadow: Wear it dark, wear it bright! Whatever you do, wear a LOT of it! When a flash of light goes off, it lightens your face, and your makeup! Apply double the eyeshadow you think you need so that when the flash goes off you won't look bare.Eyeliner: Not always necessary but doesn't hurt! Watch your line thickness and opt for waterproof in case it rains.Fake eyelashes: Hello! Every girl loves long lashes! Get some fakes at your local Wal-Mart! They are sure to open your eyes and add an incredible effect that most of your friends' images are missing.

If all of this sounds overwhelming, call a friend who knows what they're doing and ask them to do your makeup prior to your session. And be sure to bring your makeup with you just in case you need to reapply!

Friday, July 27, 2012

Outfit Advice: Skin Tone and Clothes

If you are a young woman, the odds are that you have worn foundation at least once in your life. Have you ever mistakenly purchased the wrong foundation and ended up with a streaky face that just looks wrong? Your foundation didn't match your natural skin tone.  The same goes for clothing:  choose outfit colors that compliment your natural skin tone.

What colors do people rave about when you wear them? If you have an honest friend, invite them over to judge your clothes when you hold them up to your face. Maybe they can tell you what looks best with your skin/hair/eyes. You can also go online and look up your skin tone to find colors of makeup and clothing that will work best for you. Wearing the right colors can make your eyes look bigger, your skin look brighter, your hair look less drab, etc.

Making sure that your clothing compliments your natural skin tone will help ensure you look great for your Senior Photo Session.

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Pack Your Personality

What do we love most about the Senior Photography Experience? Duh, you! Your personality makes the portrait! We have had such an awesome year of wild and wacky personalities! You make the job we do just that much more fun.
Granted, your personality isn't necessarily an outfit option, but to us it is just as tangible. It doesn't matter if you are wearing Victoria Beckham jeans if you stand as still as a deer in headlights! We watch our 1,000+ friends on Facebook and they are hilarious, but the moment their feet hit our studio they become perfect, silent, immobile children . . . yawn.
Our plea is that you bring your personality along to your photo shoot. When you come to choose your portraits, we want you and your friends and family to say, "That looks just like you!" We hear that a lot and it is the greatest compliment because we didn't have to make you into someone else, or force you to change to create a better picture! We are able to capture you, but we need you to bring it! So be you, because we are looking for wilder and wackier Seniors this Summer.

Can't wait to meet you and your personalities!

Monday, June 4, 2012

Senior Photo Outfits 101: Clean & Pressed

You only get your Senior Portraits taken once.  It should be a special time because unlike all the other years of school where an amateur photographer shot one quick picture of you on your way back from gym class, these will be pics you will actually want!  These pictures aren't going to be stuffed in the drawer along with your freshman yearbook photo.  These pictures are going to be sent to everyone in your family, given out at Christmas, posted on Facebook, framed in your home, and be presented at your graduation.  Please consider how many people are going to see these portraits before you show up for your appointment with a wrinkled shirt and dirt on your knees.

That's right, I am asking you to wash and iron your clothes. I can't force you to come to your Senior appointment looking GQ but I can at least ask you to consider the appearance of the outfits you plan on wearing in one of your most famous pictures.

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Senior Photo Outfits 101: Accessorize!

 We have all been there; bored out of our minds in a waiting room.  Suddenly, a wrinkled, outdated magazine calls to you from the coffee table.  A beautiful celebrity on the cover holds your gaze as you reach for the mag.  You flip through the pages and study the kings and queens of Hollywood; getting ideas for your next trip to the mall and the salon.  Something you didn't notice: the accessories!

This is probably where most of our customers are lacking.  They take the time to match the perfect outfit with the perfect hair but are neglecting an opportunity to show off their personal style and add some spark to their portraits!  If you study the pages of magazines you will see celebrities with rings, dangling earrings, cuffs, headbands, watches and more!  Yet, after studying our Senior Portraits most of our Seniors show up with barely a class ring.

Maybe they were concerned that their accessories would overpower the portrait?  Or get in the way?  Or maybe they thought that their accessories would have to be in EVERY portrait.  Not true!  When we get sick of the headband we will ask you to take it off.  If the earrings are tangled in your hair then they are history!  All we are asking is that you take the time to bring the items you love to wear.  They don't cost extra, and they can become a really beautiful part of your Senior portraits.  If you want to make your Senior Session truly unique, don't forget to accessorize.