Tuesday, March 3, 2015

National FFA Week and Timber Creek Studio

Can you believe it's March and yet it's still below average temperature? Can't wait for planting season to start! Thus today's blog is about FFA and all the wonderful young adults involved.
I used to be in FFA...that was a while ago! I refuse to look for any of those images, but would rather focus on the beautiful people I have photographed this past year that are involved FFA.
In case you missed The Messenger of Juneau County from Feb 26th, Timber Creek sponsored 4 ads for National FFA Week in the paper. I couldn't chose one or two schools, as I have had the pleasure to photograph seniors and younger from all of these schools (Mauston, Elroy, Hillsboro, Wonewoc) and Adams-Friendship. So my Tribute to National FFA week a bit late and Thanks for supporting Agriculture! Without food how will we survive?
I sincerely apologize if I left anyone out.

Saturday, November 1, 2014

Family Sessions 2

Family Session 2

I really can't say enough about the Leopold Family. They are so near and dear to my heart.
I have had the opportunity to photograph both of their children for confirmation, and look forward to photographing Emma's Senior Portraits next year as the Class of 2016. 
I used to work with Chris in the ER when he was a youngster, well come to think of it, I was much younger also. The Leopold's have been through a lot as a family, but their Faith and Love endure, this is why Chris and Christine are so very special to me and it was such an honor to create images and art for their home that expressed that. 

Thursday, October 30, 2014

Family Sessions

Family Sessions 1


Last weekend was all about Family and the Love a Family shares with each other. Timber Creek was so honored to create Art for the family home. It's all about the activities that these families share with each other. Beautiful days walking in the woods, and sharing those moments between a father/mother and his/her daughter and or son.
 Gary and Taylor Gray started this beautiful weekend off with a walk on their hunting property that is Gary and his Dad's, thus Grandpa's Palace. Of course Taylor rocked her outfit for the session as always. We hiked all around and took in the breathe taking views of Juneau County while talking about the upcoming deer season. I only hope that this tradition continues as Taylor is a Senior this year. I will blog about her Senior Session along with others in the weeks to come.

Father and Daughter!

Monday, October 20, 2014

Business Portraits

Business Portraits

Is it time to update those business portraits? Are you looking for social media portraits, a new job, or maybe give an already great job an updated image. The people you connect with want an image to go with the voice on the phone or an email, give your clients what they want. Want to know more? Contact us to get your updated business profile.

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Family Photography featured at Adventure Night

Adventure Night - Mauston

Many people in the community know what Adventure Night is, but those of you that don't, it is a night to raise funds for the Wrestling Club. There are 300 door prizes and chances to purchase tickets on wonderful prizes that have been donated or purchased. I was amazed at the number of guns given out this year (remember, this is prime hunting in this area). The organizers put countless hours into this event and I personally would like to thank them for all their hard work.
Last year I offered a deal for them to raise money and 3 people donated and received a wonderful gift certificate for a session and money towards their purchase. Of the 3 The Thayers, yes our local jewelry store purchased one certificate. Their goal was to have ALL the grand kids together in one image. Mission accomplished, and now they have a beautiful canvas on their wall to cherish.

The Miller family took advantage of this certificate, as Taylor was going off to school this fall, and it had been years since they'd had a family portrait. Taylor and Teagen were my entertainment that day, way fun. But the neat part was the car image that Andrea brought with, so we replicated that today, but with their 2 kids. They are a hunting family, and well Andrea hunts for mushrooms. So thus why we had to have an image with guns. They will soon have a large family portrait for their home to cherish forever. 

This year I brought along one of Justin Dolata's senior images that I had enhanced and that he had never seen until after the State Wrestling Tournament in January. So, I thought, how can I give back and help the club some more? Have him autograph it and auction it off towards a scholarship. It ended up bringing around $300, which was an awesome deal. It will now make it's home in the Mauston High School. 
Have You Experienced the Difference?

Friday, October 3, 2014

Miss Rodeo Wisconsin 2015

Miss Rodeo Wisconsin 2015     Lydia Berg

Follow us, as Miss Rodeo Wisconsin, Lydia Berg from Brookfield is crowned in January 2015.
She will be representing the great state next year, with appearances at Rodeo's across the United States. Here theme is very patriotic and supports our Veterans. 
This is from her first professional photography session at Timber Creek, showcasing her business head-shots.

Monday, June 30, 2014

Class of 2015 Reps

Rebekah "Bekah" Cleaver is a Timber Creek Rep from Elroy's Royall Panthers. One of her hobbies is volleyball and she hopes to play collage volleyball as well while working towards her dream job of being a teacher. Her favorite candy is Twix and soda is Dr. Pepper (of which the day of her session I had none!) I did make it up to her when she came in to view her images. A few random facts about Bekah is that she has been the same height since 6th grade, she can't live without her dog (Buddy), she would love to meet Taylor Swift (me too) and her friends describe her as crazy and loud. I had such a great time spending an afternoon with her and her family, great people and a beautiful area of Juneau County.